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Skip Navigation LinksWhat Is Corruption


Corruption is the act of giving or receiving gratification in return for a favour related to his or her official duties.

Under the Prevention of Corruption Act (Chap. 131), Corruption offences include:

  1. Receiving/Soliciting Bribes
    [Section 5(a) & 6(a) of Prevention of Corruption Act (Chap. 131)]

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  2. Giving/Promising/Offering Bribes
    [Section 5(b) & 6(b) of Prevention of Corruption Act (Chap. 131)]

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  3. Submitting False Documents/Claims/Accounts
    [Section 6(c) of Prevention of Corruption Act (Chap. 131)]

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  4. Possession of Unexplained Property
    [Section 12 of Prevention of Corruption Act (Chap. 131)]

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  5. Misconduct in Public Office
    [Section 12A(1) & 12B(1) of Prevention of Corruption Act (Chap. 131)]

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